Sunday, December 17, 2017

1800LM Zoomable Headlamp

1800LM Zoomable Headlamp



I do paranormal investigation and that is what I purchased this for. We always have a need to have our hands free so this type of light really helps. I was amazed with how much light this unit puts off and the fact that you can adjust the beam was another plus.  The light beam is adjustable from small to large with a bright and dim setting and it also has a flashing setting.  It come with a rechargeable battery and the charger to charge it up and it also comes with a unit to put in the battery compartment to use regular (3 AAA) batteries instead of the rechargeable battery. It can be worn directly on your head of it will also go over a hat if you prefer wearing hats. This can be used in many situations not only for what I got it for. I have had other types of this kind of light and they have not been as bright as this one. If you are in need of a light where you need your hands free and not just setting off to the side I really would recommend this one.

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