Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Microsoft Excel: Advanced Microsoft Excel Data Analysis for Business

Microsoft Excel: Advanced Microsoft Excel Data Analysis for Business

Wow what a book. I am an Excel junky though not real knowledgeable on all it can do.  When I was working I used excel a lot to complete different tasks for my job but it was nothing near what this book explains how to do.  I am not even close to knowing all it can do. This book is more of an advanced book for those who have a lot of knowledge about how excel works and what it can do, hence the title “Advanced”.  It is easy to read and has a lot of screen shoots which is a huge plus in my opinion.  For me having pictures that go along with what is being explained is a must.  Some people can not comprehend what they are reading unless they also have illustrations to go along with the words.  So they did very well with adding photos.  I highly recommend this reading for the more experienced person who wants to learn more of what Excel can do.

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